mánudagur, febrúar 16, 2009


So it turns out I don't really enjoy scuba diving. All that gear on your back, floating about with no sense of balance, not really for me. Although I kind of dug being able to breathe underwater. But Hulda liked it. She went on a dive, deep underwater and met with the fishes. Unfortunately she had to cut the dive short because of a very bad headache. Bummer!

But she still got to do it and apparently it was amazing. I just snorkled. That was pretty good too.

So I flaked out on the diving. I also flaked out on the whole living in a hut thing. The mozzie bites were getting so bad and so numerous, I was starting to freak out. I had also managaed to get quite a bad sunburn. So I convinced Hulda to come and stay at a fancy resort with air conditioning and indoor bathrooms for a couple of nights. It was heaven! Totally worth the huge amount of money we paid for it. Oh well, we saved money by not taking the full diving course!

But we have checked out of the palace of loveliness and are on our way to another hut on the beach. I am hopeful that I will be able to avoid getting bitten there by using industrial strength insect repellent, long sleeved tops, long trousers and high socks. I may roast alive, but rather that than be eaten alive!

On our way to our new home on Lalomanu beach we are thinking of checking out Papasea Sliding Rock (a natural waterslide made from waterfall-polished rocks) and Piula Cave Pool (a cool freshwater pool in a cave). We also plan to enjoy the ride. Driving here is fun, although it must be done very slowly. The roads are full of wandering livestock, chickens, pigs, cows, horses, dogs and cats, as well as wildlife. Not to mention a lot of people walking along and supercute children playing. We don't mind going slow, though. The view is terriffic, beaches, waterfalls, jungle and all the lovely little houses and beautifully kept gardens. This place is serously attractive!

Sorry guys, no pictures this time. This internet cafe doesn't support downloading of photos.
We'll probably post a few when we get to New Zealand, though.

Until then, Mmmmwah!

5 ummæli:

Lesbian Spinster sagði...

Good to hear from you - slight worried about the Mosquitos in Africa! I'll find out next week I guess!!! EEEE.

Miss you lovely lady.

Nafnlaus sagði...

Hlýjustu kveðjur - eða viljið þið heldur nokkrar kaldar ?
Gætið ykkar vel
Guðrún E
p.s.fjórða barnabarnið ekki komið, en meðgöngu"eitrun" hrjáir móðurina. Gunna Sunna ætti því að fara að koma.

osk sagði...

Asta, eg veit hvernig þetta er, eg ma ekki fara til svona landa an þess að vera etin af þessum kvikindum! Tala nu ekki um solbrunann. Það er ekki auðvelt að vera svona "pale beauties" eins og við.
Gangi ykkur vel að komast til New Zealand, við biðum að heilsa Hobbitunum og ekki fara og nalægt Mordor, það er ljott folk þar!

HelgaSoffia sagði...

ahhhhh. Mig þyrstir í fréttir og myndir, ég sakna ykkar guapas. Bið að heilsa Nýja Sjálandi. Segið mér frá rollunum þeirra - hvernig koma þær út í samanburði við íslenska kynið, já og það færeyska?

The Good Enough Mother sagði...

if you eat Marmite you won't get bitten so much. it's true!